Kannywood veteran actor, Sani Garba SK, is dead. The hilarious actor died Wednesday evening after battling with diabetes. However, the...
Hajiya Rukkaya Dawayya has shown her interest in the position of president of the Kannywood Women Association of Nigeria (K-WAN)...
After weeks of accusations and counter accusations between Kannywood superstar Adam A. Zango and actress Ummi Rahab, the actress finally...
Kannywood actress, Maryam Yahaya, has revealed that her sickness has nothing to do with being bewitched by her colleagues in...
A 22-year- old Kannywood fan has been reported to have used a knife in inscribing an actress's name on his...
Kannywood celebrated screen diva Aisha Aliyu Tsamiya has in a new video released on Likee social media platform warned the...
Kannywood screen diva and face of many products in Nigeria, actress Samirah Ahmad has revealed that she will forever be...
Kannywood actress Hauwa Garba, popularly known as Yar Auta, has been a leading female comedy character in the Hausa film...
This is a web series that comprises sympathy, compassion, patience, tolerance and obedience. Movie is educative and entertaining. Kanywood disclosed...
The movie promises a different storyline, revealed in a new design and style, and differs from others viewers are accustomed...
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