The altar of a church in Upper Bavaria has been re-consecrated after a couple had sex on it. The altar...
A 74-year-old man in southern Germany who ordered for kitchen appliance online, instead received a package containing several grams of...
Thousands of Apple enthusiasts worldwide are lining up outside stores in anticipation of the much-awaited release of the new iPhone....
A woman in Texas has described the panic she felt when she was simultaneously attacked by a hawk and a...
A Scottish nearby authority informally known as "Twinverclyde" is preparing itself for the second-biggest number of twins on record beginning...
An 87-year-old woman who saw a stranger hovering over her bed when she woke up fed the man after he...
A grandfather has described how horrified he was to discover a live snake in a bunch of broccoli that he...
A fertility specialist who was suspected of using his sperm to fertilize many patients has passed away when a plane...
After revealing that she and her children travel in economy while her husband travels in first class, a woman has...
A dispute over a bottle of champagne is currently before a court in the German city of Dusseldorf, with a...
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