Residents of Maiduguri were full of joy on Wednesday evening when electricity was restored about two months after IS-backed Boko Haram terrorists blew up power supply lines.
The terroists attack on January 26 had plunged the city into darkness.
At the Baga road market area, along the Maimalari military cantonment people were seen rejoicing.
The same thing applied to many other areas in the city, as residents saw the restoration of electricity in their houses and shops.
The power company is yet to released a statement, but had earlier said it was working on repairing the supply lines to the city, which houses over three million people.
The power outage had caused severe hardship to the residents of Maiduguri, as businesses that depend on electricity went down, while cost of of chilled drinks skyrocketed.
Infrastructure are on of the major targets of Boko haram group. They had blow up telecommunications mast and power lines in the North east.
Schools, roads and worship centre were also areas of target by the terrorists.