My late boss and mentor, Prince Tony Momoh, used to wonder aloud to me on many occasions in our interactions on how the Almighty God made this beautiful wide world so simple and so easy for us his children to live in and enjoy our lives and how, unfortunately, some of us (well, I exempt myself from that crowd) choose to complicate things for ourselves and turn around to blame the same God for our misfortunes. One good example of how some miserable persons in our world today have deliberately or ignorantly chosen to complicate things for themselves and the same people turn around to blasphemously blame God for the misfortunes that inevitably befall them as a consequence for their wrongful actions, is the reigning idea in our world today called Family Planning.
In our piece four Saturdays ago entitled Is Family Planning a Standard for Modern Man? we tried to show that family Planning has nothing whatsoever to do with family or with planning for the good of any one or any family for that matter. We said the concept called Family Planning is just a deceptive or polite euphemism for murder and cruel and often primitive way of preventing conception, contrary to the express command of God to us to multiply and fill the earth. We said further that the reigning idea is nothing but a satanic agenda meant to thwart the will of God for man.
Many of us in many parts of the world, especially Europe, have stopped multiplying and humanity is not in any shape to fill the earth. If anything, we shall be reducing and continually be depleting from filling the earth. One city in Italy has not heard the cry of a baby in a maternity ward for over half a century now. In the world today you often come across the conversations of young girls who have barely come of age saying that they will be content with only two children- a boy and a girl! As I have always said each time this issue comes up, the Economist magazine once said that the about 8 billion people on the earth today can conveniently be made to comfortably settle in one state of the United States of America- the state of Philadelphia.
Yet, there is this conjured alarm about overpopulation and how having ‘’many children’’ can affect the well being of families. What is never ever said is the wrong priorities of people which is at the root of world poverty and a feeling of not having enough by those who are not ordinarily poor.
So every one has been socialized to believe that they must have few children or even none at all. At one time Europe had up to five prime ministers and presidents who had no biological children of their own. The most classical case is that of Macron of France. The man was at a time the youngest member of a household that he was head of. His wife is senior to him in age and her children for another man from whom Macron had snatched her were all senior to Macron! Today, the biologically childless Macron is still on the throne with the departure of his sister in Gemany. With leaders who hate children but prefer what they call high standard of living to humans, what can you expect from them? They will steal and manipulate things in favour of their countries so that unemployment and high standard of living are hailed.
So as I have said almost everyone is railroaded into family planning. I will describe some of the many inconveniences and indignities which many women go through in order to ‘plan’ their families. There is the technology for preventing pregnancy called the coil which must be inserted into the womanhood of every female who desires pleasure without pain/consequences or inconveniences. You are the wife of a president, governor, senator or famous man of honour. Your wife who is beautifully dressed commanding respect and honour will take herself to an hospital. She will voluntarily and shamefully undress herself in the presence of a male doctor and or female nurse. She will lie down and spread her leg wide. The male doctor and or nurse will light a touch light and point into her and ask her to open her legs wider and wider so that this device can be inserted into her.
At the end of that exercise, she will wear her dress back and go to enter the Jeep that brought her to the hospital. What goes on in her mind? If she is self-respecting, does she not feel demeaned or ill-used? Does she not feel violated? Does she not ask herself what have I just gone to do, opening my legs wide for the lecherous or mischievous inspection of a man who has no right in the world to have access to my personhood? For me, this is an unnecessary indignity she has undergone just because she does not want to have a child. Nothing in the world can compare to this indignity whether the act was performed by a male or female medical person. It is bad if done by a female and worse by a male. No person other than your legitimate husband has a right to worship at, or be aware of, that altar! This is because no person, whether male or female, who has seen that you in you in whatever circumstance can still have that same sense of fear or awe or respect for you thereafter. That is the nature of that thing.
But what do I say when a woman’s nakedness is seen during childbirth or a male’s nudity because of an accident or illness by professionals handling their various cases? I will say that in such circumstances the sense of worthlessness, the sense that I have seen their all in all so what do you have to tell me is not there. It is completely different when a woman’s body is seen and even touched by ‘competent professionals’ whether male or female because she has acted or want to act in flagrant disobedience to the express command of God. For one circumstance, it is pity that obscures everything. For the other, it is malicious glee and nothing else. Unless the woman in question is a prostitute undressing before anyone stranger without inhibitions is a very hard thing to do.
By voluntarily going to a medical person, a stranger, and defiantly undressing yourself before him to see e4verything of your body and even touching vital parts of it, without his having a carnal knowledge of you is a form of prostitution and it is detestable to God as actual prostitution. Our body, we religionists are told, is the temple of God. It must not be desecrated in any form or manner in the name of family planning, which as we have said, is a satanic agenda to wage war against the command of God. It must be used in a manner decreed by and acceptable to God.