A teenage girl was horrified to discover a poisonous snake hiding inside her asthma inhaler.
9News reports that the teen was bringing in her washing at her home in Bli Bli, Queensland, Australia, when she spotted the red-bellied black snake slither out of the clothes she had just brought inside.
She wasn’t sure exactly where it had ended up, until she noticed it curled up inside the open top of her blue inhaler.
Fortunately, the girl called a team of snake catchers, who managed to safely capture the reptile and rehome it.
Red-bellied black snakes are frequently found on Australia’s east coast and are responsible for a number of bites every year. No human deaths have been recorded, but their venom can cause serious symptoms including bleeding, vomiting, abdominal pain, headaches, diarrhoea and muscle weakness or pain.
After the discovery Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers wrote on Facebook: ‘You would not believe this. This is crazy and we’re super lucky we were able to find the snake.’
Team member Stuart McKenzie told 9News: ’It’s one of the most incredible places we have ever found a snake before. He added: that it could still give a nasty bite if scared or provoked.