We humans learn everyday even until the seconds of our death, that is, if we are willing to remain teachable or learnable to the very end. This is why I think the Holy Book, the Bible, says that ‘’every day speech is uttered and every day wisdom is revealed’’. Dear husbands of Nigeria and of the world, there is a little wisdom that was revealed recently to me when a distant relative of mine passed on to glory which I need to reveal to you for your good and for the good of your children and the peace and harmony of your home.
There are some married men with children who decide that all what they regard as ‘’small small’’ matters pertaining to the children’s welfare and well-being, such as the payment of their school fees, be handled by their mothers especially when the children are not old enough to be entrusted with that responsibility and when they, the men, feel they do not have the time to be discharging that obligation.
Ordinarily, there is nothing wrong with a certain kind of division of labour in a family setting to ease the burden on all parties involved in a marriage and to give everyone a certain sense of shared responsibility.
But it does appear that we are not living in ordinary times. Rather, we live in terrible times when the Devil seems determined to ruin marital and family relationship. And he often enters to destabilize the union and home through the women to be able to carry out his dastardly agenda. He plays a terrible game on the soft and insecure heart of women, making them feel a sense of powerlessness. He makes them feel belittled and not content with the role of paying school fees and carrying out other wifely or motherly responsibilities.
They feel unsure of themselves and think that society looks down on them for what they wrongly regard as subordinate and not complementary contribution to the growth and development of their families. They must, therefore, demand for power with their husbands before they can feel confident enough to be reckoned with or recognized as a successful or good wife and mother of the children of the relationship.
And what some of them do is to begin a systematic indoctrination of the children to hate their dad. In the process of carrying out the duties of running errands on behalf of the children, they begin to drop comments insinuating that it is they, and not their husbands, who are actually responsible for the major part of all these things. The children then begin to cultivate the impression that their mom is what the feminists call ‘’a super mom’’; that it is their mothers that are completely responsible for their dresses, school fees, attendance of their Parents, Teachers Association meetings and who take in their strides everything that has to do with their welfare. The children are subtly indoctrinated with the idea that their dad is a useless man who drinks and womanizes and chases everything in skirts.
When this relative of mine died recently, it came to light that one of the reasons the man had a stroke which led to his death was the shock of the beastly treatment he received from the three boys of the five children he had with his wife of about forty years. The woman is said to have thoroughly indoctrinated the children into believing that she was indeed their super mom doing all that she did for the children. And that, their father was a drunk and a womanizer who had an uncaring concern for them.
Men are today becoming the most victimized specie on earth. You innocently take in a lady believing that in this loving partnership you two will bear children and raise them up to fulfill your divine role of regenerating the specie and hoping that in old age these children will take care of both of you the parents. But women have other schemes up their sleeves. They plot to scheme you out from standing to benefit from the children’s welfare packages when they come of age. They indoctrinate the children to see you as a monster who did not do anything or who did nothing much for you to owe them loyalty, care and respect. May it never be your fate to suffer such a wifely coup and an insurrection from the children you thought you did your best for.
With the kind of some insanely ambitious wives men now have who are demonically inspired to compete for power, influence and recognition with their husbands for a goal no one seems to exactly know, husbands should learn to run their homes with extreme discretion.
Do not be too foolish not to let your children, especially the males, know what efforts you are making for them. Don’t be too shy not to let them know it is you who gives mummy the money she buys food, dresses, toys, ice-cream, tea and other things given to them. Mummy may be adding her money but the bulk of it comes from you, the commander-in-chief of your household. This type of domestic politics is good for your health and ultimate survival when you need the children’s love, respect and care when it matters to you at a later date!