Four persons were killed when bandits invaded Unguwar Bulus and Unguwar Gimbiya communities in Chikun Local Government Area of Kaduna State, on Thursday.
One of the deceased was a bandit.
The invasion occurred around 8pm, according to sources.
Residents said they heard gunshots that lasted for hours, forcing many of them to flee.
A resident, Ben Maigari, whose cousin Lewis Elkana was killed during the attack, described the experience as terrible, adding that his cousin was shot by the bandits, while his uncle (the boy’s father) was abducted at Unguwar Bulus.
Maigari said, “We heard the terrible gunshots because people had not gone to bed when the bandits arrived in the communities. They killed my cousin and abducted his father. Two other residents were killed, but the people also killed one of the bandits.”
He said the young man would be buried later on Friday.