An American lady who vanished more than three decades ago and was later ruled legally dead has been found alive...
A guy who was fined for wandering through the streets of a town in the Valencia region while barefoot and...
A strange case has been presented to police in the South African province of Limpopo after criminals took a body...
On the surface of the Red Planet, NASA scientists have discovered a strange feature that eerily resembles the face of...
U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported that a baby dolphin's skull was discovered in a piece of luggage last week....
An 82-year-old woman was pronounced dead at a New York nursing home but found to be breathing three hours later...
Before its launch later this month, the UK's first private jet firm for animals has received a deluge of inquiries....
In the US state of Kansas, a man was shot from the back of a truck after a dog trod...
A woman in America, Diana Armstrong, has won the Guinness world record for keeping the longest finger nails. Armstrong started...
Ozzie, the oldest male and third-oldest gorilla in the world has died at 61. According to Zoo Atlanta, Ozzie was...
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