“A happy customer tells their friend, an unhappy customer tells the world” One of the major challenges Small and Medium...
Saturday marked the twentieth anniversary of the deadly terrorist attacks against the United States. On September 11, 2001 (911), four...
We have observed that President Buhari’s concluding remarks at the meeting with South East Leaders during his one day visit...
Like the mid 60's, the early 2020's has been heated and filled with war rhetoric. This rhetoric has been well...
One month from now, Nigeria’s last batch of states created in 1996 to bring the total to 36, would turn...
Last week, while the eyes of the world were on Afghanistan, a fellow in one of Nigeria’s most tradition-bound states...
Partisan Problem of One-Dimensional Politics In his recent book, Arguing with Zombies: Economics, Politics and the Fight for Better Future, the...
This book has, in several ways, a lot of attributes similar to the final report of International Commission for the...
In journalism proverb, Afghanistan is a convenient shelter, the writer’s fantasy island from topical issues at home. In the current...
The whole world assembles every four years in the biggest celebration of sports in the world, The Olympics. Right from...
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