If you see a lone Nigerian cop walking along a street, with or without a gun slung on his tired...
It is the tradition of American politicians running for president to write a book. In 1975, peanut farmer, former Governor...
I had my first round of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccination last Monday. Information on my card said I should come back...
The most engaging story in Nigeria at the weekend was the reported attack by gunmen on Benue State Governor Samuel...
During every stick up in the 1930s, American gangster Ma Barker put a revolver in the victim’s face and said,...
Viewing events of the past week from the gallery, I was not surprised that the symbolic campaign against beef consumption...
Please, these new rail lines that the government said it is building with Chinese loans, which one of them can...
If you are the President of this Federal Republic, and in the middle of a security briefing about the mayhem...
He died exactly 40 years ago yesterday but in my mind’s eye, I can still see my paternal grandfather Magatakarda...
Right now, the big clamour in town is that the next Inspector General of Police must be a native...
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