Statistics of persons who died from suspected food poisoning in various states across the country in recent weeks are alarming...
For reasons not quite isolated from inadequate resources, people have cause to borrow money to solve or resolve problems; start...
Certainly, it’s no news that most Nigerians are experiencing hard times occasioned by inconceivable inflation on nearly all essential commodities...
Behind every activity one embarks upon is an intent to achieve one or more specific goals. Occasionally, an individual accomplishes...
God in His infinite wisdom created everything in pairs. Allah affirms in Qur’an 51:49 “And of everything we have created...
The impact of the current economic crisis in Nigeria has driven many Nigerians into hopelessness; turning them into hungry beggars...
Sunday July 7, 2024 was declared last weekend by the Sultan of Sokoto and President-General for both the Nigeria Supreme...
In the world of scholarship, knowledge humbles the learned. A well-read would never say he is one. Anyone who, for...
If there is anything that is conspicuously missing in the character of many if not most men and women of...
Except for men of superior piety, the unceasing hardship and downturn in Nigeria’s economy is almost turning most Nigerians into...
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