I do not know how others feel about it. But for me and my household, we feel very repugnant about it and find it very difficult to come to an accommodation of it. And what is the matter? It is the worldwide involvement of women, especially very young ones and young adult women who are in the sexually active years of their lives, in the sexual trade and associated business. And this novel field of feminine engagement includes: the promotion of herbs, concoctions and other remedies for men to ‘’knack their madams until they lovingly appeal for a discontinuation’’; the actions in video skits showing what women who are alleged not to be sexually satisfied by their husbands are doing with house helps, gatemen, husbands’ friends and relatives; the shameless promotion of the involvement of women, whether married or not, with bosses, colleagues and ‘inferior co-workers or neighbours; the uninhibited discussion of sexual matters and the mentioning of sexual parts by women who are in no way medical professionals in open fora like the TV, radio and social media platforms and the hint being given by some, particularly the very daring ones among them, that lesbianism is not as abominable as we Africans hold it to be.
And a new variant in this ugly trend is fast emerging but this one seems to be exclusively the preserve of White or Asiatic looking young women. Black women are not yet in this one. It is the promotion of bestiality. In videos, you see a young girl who acts as a shepherdess or a pet lover. She will bring in a beautiful, well-fed dog to smell her all over while she gives a hint of undressing herself for the real action to take place. Or she approaches a male horse and begins to fondle it. I think witchcraft is involved in this one because the motions have such a demonic convulsion in any human who watches it!
In all cultures of the world, women are supposed to be very reticent about matters mentioned above. But in recent times, this ugly trend has come on and African women are not left behind. In fact, they are leading in the unabashed discussion of sex; they do and say things most abominable about that matter and in the crudest of manner.
I am disgusted, offended and repulsed by the whole knacking business that now dominates discussion/interaction on the social media. If you are a decent one and you own a smart phone, you fear to switch it on to browse because you must inevitably come across these people whose life-time business now seems to be talk about sex or knacking.
Before you call me a prude, let me admit right away that I am one. You see, I was born and brought up in the village and in the good old days when sex was by no means taking place in a lower capacity than now but it was happening in good measure but treated as a sacred activity. And women, without whom the party cannot take place, where not permitted to be very forward in talking about this great human activity without which we cannot be reproduced, replicated or multiplied. May be, that is what made it so very interesting. It is what everybody enjoyed but nobody talked about it. It was kept under respectful wraps. Call the whole society a hypocritical world but I think this is how the Master Maker intended it to be. But now the women have completely taken over. They advertise the facilitators and are themselves very active participants in the sexual epidemic and corruption that have befallen our space.
As soon as you open your phone, may be the first item that assaults your sensibility is sex. You scroll down and at every point you hear or read of gbola and kpekus, the native Nigerian code names for the male and female private parts. At a point, you pause and wonder: You these people of Nigeria and Africa, you do not do anything else other than knacking, gbola and kpekus? When you ask why this is so they tell you that it is a sign of the End Times. This sign is distressing, gross and repugnant to some of us. I have already admitted to being prudish but I cannot help but ask: these girls and young women I see and hear stand unashamedly on many platforms to speak about these things that ought to be very heavy in their mouths with the fluent delivery of an orator, are they body, soul and spirit, Nigerian or African children or are they demons hired from hell to do this dirty job?
I sometimes turn to my wife and ask her if by any means these children are other parents’ children such as the ones she and I have. She will tell me yes, they are. And I ask further how do their parents feel when they hear some of these heavy pronouncements from children they fathered and mothered? Are those parents by any means persons or human beings like me and her and she will say yes but that I should leave her alone. And I am left alone to continue to wonder about some of these things.
Our own modernity is it about sex alone or it extends to something more valuable than this? All through the ages, sex has been a serious mysterious things God made for us to enjoy but not to be talked about carelessly or profanely by children or anybody else. But in our generation, it has become a plaything for children who bastardise it and try to strip it of its sacredness and make it to become a profane thing.
The most unacceptable part of it all for me is seeing girls who are younger than the least of my children coming on to say, ‘’daddies and mummies and all men above 40, listen to this thing I want to tell you, especially if you are a one-minute man’’. Then they proceed to speak disrespectfully about men who cannot get it up to knack their wives to submission. I think it is a sin against all elders on earth for a young woman who is not a medical professional to dare to talk about the human anatomy of any of the sexes and styles of performance of the very act that they (parents) took part in that brought them (the children) about! What the heck is this type of teaching? This thing troubles some of us. I cannot keep quiet any longer at the desecration of this sacred thing.
By the way, can no one police the cyberspace? Who are the sponsors of these advertisements of the wonder herbs and concoctions invented to solve all gbola, kpekus and knacking problems on the earth? Cannot Facebook, TikTok and other social networking platforms, do anything about these obscene insanity on their spaces? Are we sentenced to endure them so long as we patronize these platforms for higher and more meaningful things? Can anyone and everyone say whatever they like and be left alone just like that without any form of correction, rebuke and punishment?
Some years down the line Facebook used to sanction people for ‘’hate speech’’ or something like that. For some of us and our noble traditions, no hate speech can be greater than having women of whatever ages and even men for that matter, coming on publicly to speak about sex and things patterning to it in the way and matter I see these days. The thing is indecent, if not abominable. Has Satan come out of his hovel and taken control? What is it that is responsible for the invasion of women in the solemn theater of knacking, gbola and kpekus that we will not hear anything else?
Is there no other better enterprise that these women can be engaged in and persuaded to leave this field of human endeavour for professional sexologists, pharmacists, pharmacologists and well -trained doctors?