On the ground in Gaza, where unrelenting massacre and genecide had become as a recurring decimal as the rising sun, an unexpected alliance seemed to have emerged within and amongst various shades and camps of the Muslim Umma as evidence in the well attended and well represented Tehran summit.
Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Sheikh Abubakar Mahmood Gumi, despite harbouring irreconcilable differences with the Islamic Republic of Iran and Shia in particular, decided to honour Iranian invitation to discuss Gaza. By so doing Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Sheikh Abubakar Mahmood Gumi must have joined hands not in propagating Shia but in search of a lasting solution for the beleaguered Paletinians and indeed the entire humanity that include but not limited to the Shias and the Sunnis.
The move, however, did not escape the scrutiny of a misable soul called *Arnabus-Suya*.A self-proclaimed scholar begging for worthless publicity in a society ravaged by chaos. As Muslim communities all over the world extended an olive branch to each other, *Arnabus-Suya*, akin to an attention-seeking clown, couldn’t resist launching an attack on the courageous Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Sheikh Abubakar Mahmood Gumi for daring to prioritize the greater good of society over personal vendettas. Indeed, this mocks the fallacies of *Arnabus-Suya*’s stand in their own distinct styles.
It is no gainsaying that Sheikh Dr, Ahmad Sheikh Abubakar Mahmood Gumi’s decision to unite with the rest of the Muslim Umma sent shockwaves through the self-serving, self-centred arabic speaking imbeciles desperate to be acknowledged as muslim cum Islamic Scholars. The air, thick with suspense, bore witness to a rare moment of sanity attempting to penetrate the cacophony of divergence. As Shaw would wryly put it, “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. While all progress depends on being pragmatic yet, in the case of *Arnabus-Suya,* progress must take a sabbatical.
*Arnabus-Suya,* a self-anointed scholar yearning for the spotlight, couldn’t resist the allure of controversy. In a society where chaos reigned supreme for the selfish interest of the ideological prostitutes, the opportunity to snatch attention was too enticing to ignore. Channeling his inner conscience, *Arnabus-Suya* with his verbal diarrhea invariably proclaimed, the single biggest problem facing the Muslim Umma is the illusion of a spiritual sentinel that all must get clearance from, before being admitted to the garden of Eden. Little did he realize that his schizophrenic mindset was not only illusory but delusional as well.
In the grand circus of his fantacy island, *Arbanus-Suya* emerged as the attention-seeking clown, ready to perform tricks of rhetoric and theatrics to divert the audience’s gaze from the real issues at hand. *Arnabus-Suya’s* spirit lingered, observing the spectacle with a knowing smirk, for we must warn him of the dangers of manipulative language and self-serving pseudo intellect.
As Shia and Sunna earnestly sought common ground, *Arnabus-Suya* seized the opportunity to hurl verbal grenades. In his attempt to discredit Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Sheikh Abubakar Mahmood Gumi’s pursuit of unity, *Arnabus-Suya*, revealed the absurdity of his own position. *Arnabus-Suya’s* undertones echoed as he manipulated words to serve his egocentric narrative, betraying the very essence of intellectual discourse.
Sheikh Bahlool of blessed memory would have intersected with a sardonic smile, “The liar’s punishment is not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else.” *Arnabus-Suya*, in his pursuit of recognition, became entangled in a web of celebrating ignorance, a puppeteer of his own demise.
The paradox of *Arnabys-Suya’s* desperate plea for recognition invites some sharp tongue slicing through the facade. In the words of Shaw, “If you can not get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance.” *Arnabu’s* attempt to dance with the skeletons of discord revealed the grotesque spectacle of his desperation.
The courageous steps taken by Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Sheikh Abubakar Mahmood Gumi can further be supported with the sayings of people like George Orwell. Hear him: “In a time of deceit, telling [and indeed siding with] the truth is a revolutionary act.” Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Sheikh Abubakar Mahmood Gumi’s pursuit of truth, despite differences, stood as a silent rebellion against the deceitful theatrics orchestrated by *Arnab* and his hirelings.
Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Sheikh Abubakar Mahmood Gumi’s resilience to prioritize Muslim Umma’s harmony over personal grudges stood as a beacon of hope. Worthy of commendation is Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Sheikh Abubakar mahmood Gumi’s refusal to succumb to the weariness that plagued those who had forsaken the pursuit of greater good and a better society.
*Arnab’s* desperate attempt in blackmailing us into surrendering to his whims and caprice accusing Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Sheikh Abubakar mahmood Gumi, as a traitor rather than a peacemaker, only served to exposed his takkafiri incurable ailment, as all except him are enemies and thus, legitimate targets for total annihilation. Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Sheikh Abubakar Mahmud Gumi’s pursuit of unity, despite the attacks, proved to be a catalyst for a new dawn. As for *Arnabu*, the attention-seeking scholar, he found himself entangled in the very web he wove – a cautionary tale for those who prioritized personal recognition over the welfare of their community.
In the end, the Muslim Umma faced a choice: to be governed by the shadows of discord or to step into the light of unity and progress. The stage was set, and the play continued as communities grappled with the eternal dance between reason and chaos.
Mr Mundadu writes from Kaduna