The release shared on Mrs Buhari’s verified page on Tuesday, quoted the president to have approved that the old N500 and N1000 notes should remain legal tender for the next 70 days, till May 1, 2023.
However, debunking the news, the CBN shared another release, labelling the one shared by Mrs Buhari as “fake news.”
“For the avoidance of doubt, and in line with Mr. President’s broadcast of February 16, 2023, the CBN has been directed to ONLY reissue and recirculate the old N200 banknotes and this is expected to circulate as legal tender for 60 days up to April 10, 2023.
“Members of the public should therefore disregard any message and/or information not formally released by the Central Bank of Nigeria on this subject. Media practitioners are advised to PLEASE verify any information from the correct sources before publication,” the CBN said.