On Thursday, the US military said that it had killed five Shebab members in a hit in a remote region of Somalia. This government is waging a significant attack against this group of Al-Qaeda-affiliated extremist Islamists.
The action near Bacadweyne on Wednesday was carried out at the request of the Somali government, according to a statement issued by the US military command for Africa. “The strike killed five Shebab fighters, according to the first elements,” he says.
In early February, the Horn of Africa Heads of State declared their intention to provide a “last impetus” to “fully liberate” Somalia from extreme Islamists Shebab.
In recent months, the Somali army and local militias have reclaimed control of parts of the territory, assisted by American and African Union airstrikes.
Nonetheless, the jihadist group, which has been fighting the government since 2007, is still well-entrenched in broad rural areas and conducts deadly assaults in Somalia and neighboring Congo.