Former Senate President, Ken Nnamani on Friday, joined the array of aspirants jostling for the All Progressives Congress (APC)’s presidential ticket ahead of the 2023 election.
The former senate president declared his intention to contest for the presidency at a press conference in Abuja.
Speaking of his aspiration he said, “Looking at the array of aspirants to replace President Buhari in 2023 under the platform of the APC, I believe that I am very suited for the job of the President of the republic at this period in the history of Nigeria,” he said.
“We will all agree that President Buhari met enormous challenges. In spite of the challenges we face, we have to acknowledge Mr. President’s patriotism that manifests in the unshaken belief that Nigeria will move past the current problems and setbacks.
“I am aspiring to be president in 2023 because I believe that at this period of grave crisis, Nigeria needs to be reinvented to be a modern, democratic state that prioritizes the socioeconomic wellbeing of its citizens; to be restructured from inefficient consumption to production; and to be led with integrity and compassion.
“Nigeria needs a leader who can build a coalition of diverse talents and identities and regain the trust of Nigerians in the Nigerian state.”